The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople addresses the “Faith and Science: Towards COP26” meeting at the Vatican (photo/Paul Haring)
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew: “We need this dialogue in order to sustain the environment, in order to coexist with one another as human beings and as part of God’s sacred human creation, and we need it in order to simple be, breath and love one another.”
The Ecumenical Patriarch concludes with faith leaders marking their personal commitment by pouring soil upon the roots of a young olive tree that will be planted in the Vatican gardens.

BRIEF MESSAGE by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew “Faith Leaders on COP26”
(Vatican, October 4, 2021)
Your Holiness,
Distinguished faith leaders and representatives,
Beloved brothers and sisters,
The joint signing of a document like this, which constitutes a heartfelt appeal to political leaders meeting in Glasgow is a powerful symbolical gesture. Precisely because it is both the outcome of dialogue and a call to continue this dialogue:
- The dialogue between all religions of the world united in their commitment to preserving the beauty and integrity of God’s creation.
- The dialogue between all believers and people of good will sharing a common dream for the sake of our planet and its people, as well as for generations to come that deserve to inherit a better, cleaner, balanced world.
- The dialogue between faith and science as inseparable partners on the journey to respect one another’s vital role in healing the wounds of our planet and reconciling the divisions of its people.
- And finally, the dialogue between creatures and our Creator, between secular and sacred, just as we Christians pray in the Lord’s Prayer, that “[God’s] will may be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
We need this dialogue in order to sustain the environment.
We need this dialogue in order to coexist with one another – as human beings, and as part of God’s sacred creation.
And we need this dialogue in order simply to be, simply to breathe, simply to love one another.
Thank you for being a part of this dialogue. We are certainly honored to be here among you.