10.7 C
Πέμπτη, 19 Δεκεμβρίου, 2024

Διεθνές επιστημονικό συνέδριο με θέμα την Ορθοδοξία στην Ουκρανία



«Για την 300ή επέτειο από τη γέννηση του Αγίου Παϊσίου Βελιτσκόφσκι

και του Γρηγορίου Σκοβορόντα»

22 Νοεμβρίου 2022

Ακολουθεί το αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα του Συνεδρίου στα Ελληνικά και Ουκρανικά.

“Orthodoxy in Ukraine: the 300th anniversary of St. Paisii Velichkovsky and Gregory Skovoroda” – this is the theme of the XII International Scientific and Theological Conference, which will be held in Kyiv on November 22, 2022.

The conference brings together scholars, theologians and clergymen from eight countries (Ukraine, Greece, Great Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland). A total of 65 papers will be presented at the conference.

The forum will be opened by the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All the Ukraine Epiphanius.

Foreign guests will include the abbot of the Pontokrator Monastery on Holy Mount Athos, archimandrite Gabriel (Mount Athos, Greece); Dr. Gallagher Brandon, University of Exeter professor (Great Britain); Dr. Petros Vassiliadis, Aristotle University professor (Greece); Dr. Manolis Varvounis, dean of the University of Thrace (Greece); Dr Gregor Prihodko, Doctor of Canon Law, Catholic University of Paris (France); Dr Pawel Krokosz, Associate Professor at the John Paul II University of Krakow (Poland);, Dr Miguel Galles, Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona (Spain); Dr. Martin Dudley, Honorary Fellow of the Royal Fund for Ecumenical Theological Education (Great Britain); Dr. Anna Briskina-Müller, Martin Luther University Fellow (Germany); Dr. Serhii Shumylo, Director of the International Institute of the Athonite Legacy, and others.

The forum will consist of five sections: “Life and heritage of St. Paisii Velichkovskyi and Gregory Skovoroda”, “Theology”, “Church history”, “Sources and source study”, “The Orthodox Church in Ukraine: challenges of the XXI century”.

The conference will present new researches and unknown facts of life and activity of St. Paisiy Velichkovskiy and Hryhoriy Skovoroda, history of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Church.

The event was organized by the Kyiv Orthodox Theological Academy, the Hrushevsky Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Source Studies at National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, National Reserve Sophia of Kyiv, International Institute of the Athonite Legacy.

A collection of reports is to be published on the conference proceedings.

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