Exploring Spiritual and Scientific Perspectives
Water is the most vital and inseparable of every ecosystem and
provides the lifeblood of every community. Every living organism, like every
human being, needs for survival and growth. In brief, water is life—physical
and spiritual. Water is also considered sacred, comprising a symbol of life
and renewal, as well as of repentance and purification.
Halki Summit VI brings together theologians and scientists to explore
the scriptural and liturgical, as well as the philosophical and historical
sacredness of water in the Church, but also the technical and technological
significance of water and wastewater management for sustainability,
development, and wellbeing in local and global communities. The
overarching theme of the summit will be faith and religion in partnership for
environmental justice.
HALKI SUMMIT VENUE: Maraslion Patriarchal School
The Maraslion Patriarchal School was founded through a donation by Gregory Maraslis, a businessman and Mayor of Odessa. Construction was completed in 1900 and the school opened in 1901, operating until 2011 as a Greek elementary school. The recent construction adopted traditional design and material in order to preserve its original character.

Thursday, August 29, 2024
16:00 – Vespers at the Ecumenical Patriarchate
Friday, August 30, 2024
Opening Remarks
- Fr. John Chryssavgis
Opening Greetings
- Prof. Ioannis Kalavrouziotis, Hellenic Open University
- Prof. Volkan Oral, Istanbul Aydin University
Keynote Address
- His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
10:00-11:15 – Session 1: Historical Perspective
- Chair: Angela Caliaro
- Prof. Ioannis Kalavrouziotis: Technological Management of Water & Wastewater in Ancient Times
- Prof. Aikaterini Tsalabouni: Water as a Witness of God’s Power & Blessing in the Bible. An Eco-theological Approach
- Rev. Prof. Stephanos Alexopoulos: Water in the Euchology of the Byzantine Tradition
11:30-12:45 – Session 2: Theological Panel
- Chair: Paraskevi Arapogolou
- Dr. Nikolaos Asproulis: Water as Communion: The (ontological) Unity of the Whole Cosmos as an Urgent Quest
- Rev. Dr. Evangelos Markantonis: The Orthodox Monastic Ethos & its Contribution to the Sustainable Management of Water
- Rt. Rev. Dr. Anthony (Vrame) of Synada: After the Water Blessing. Lessons from the Seminary Classroom
13:00 – Lunch (Troya)
14:30-16:00 – Session 3: Scientific Panel 1
- Chair: Prof. Hrissi Karapanagioti
- Prof. George Vlahakis: The Study of the Aegean Sea Waters from the 19th to the 20th Century. From Ignorance to Uneasiness
- Prof. Volkan Oral: The Importance of Nature-Based Solutions Relevant to Circularity in Water Management
- Dr. Ekavi Isari: Biosolids. Challenges & Opportunities
- Prof. Agis Papadopoulos: The energy-water nexus as prerequisite for sustainable development
16:00 – Vespers at the Ecumenical Patriarchate
- Tour of Patriarchal Church of St. George
18:00-19:30 – Session 4: Scientific Panel 2
- Chair: Prof. Agis Papadopoulos
- Prof. Hrissi Karapanagioti: Microplastics in Water. Sources, Fate, & Effects
- Prof. Despo Fatta-Kassinos: Innovating Reclaimed Water Reuse for Long-Term Sustainability
- Prof. Petros Kokkinos: Water and Health. Global Implications of Human Exposure to Waterborne Viruses
- Dr. Eleni Grilla: Emerging Pollutants in the Aquatic Environment. Occurrence & Degradation
20:00 – Dinner (Troya)
Saturday, August 31, 2024
8:00 – Departure for Halki
12:00 – Welcome by His Grace Bishop Kassianos of Aravissos
- Tour of Halki Monastery and Library by Fr. Meletios Stefanatos
13:00 – Lunch at Halki
14:30-16:00 – Session 5: Halki Panel 1
- Chair: Panayiotis Alexopoulos
- Georgios Dimopoulos: Laguna Coast Foundation goals
- Prof. Niki Evelpidou: How a science inspiring place with important geocultural heritage can be the new model of sustainable tourism
- Dr. Jan Jorrit Hasselaar: Hope-Based Transitions in the Netherlands to Embrace Radical Uncertainty. Theology & Economics as Partners for the Common Good
- Prof. Luca Fiorani: The World’s Water Resources. From High-Tech Monitoring to Spiritual Experience
16:15-16:45 – Session 6: Halki Panel 2
- Chair: Prof. Gayle Woloschak
- Dr. Panagiotis Vryonis
- Alkistis Kanteraki
- Sotiris Michalopoulos
- Stathis Visvikis-Kassinos
16:45-17:00 – Concluding Remarks
- Prof. Gayle Woloschak: Science and Theology. Reflections on Environmental Justice
18:00 – Return to Istanbul
Free evening
Sunday, September 1, 2024
9:00 – Liturgy at the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Celebration of the Indiction
12:00 – Lunch (Troya)
13:30 – Hagia Sophia and Chora Monastery or Hagia Sophia and Grand Bazaar (TBD)
Free evening
Monday, September 2, 2024